Birpara College

Disciplinary Rules

Disciplinary Rules

Disciplinary rules at Birpara College are planned to maintain a conducive learning environment. Students are expected to adhere to academic integrity, punctuality, and respectful conduct towards peers and staff. Any infringement, including plagiarism, disruptive behavior, or non-compliance with college policies, may result in disciplinary action, ranging from notices to suspension or expulsion, depending on the seriousness of the offense. The college emphasizes fairness and due process in handling disciplinary matters, ensuring a balanced approach to student conduct management.

Academic Integrity:
We strive for excellence in all aspects of education, research, and service, setting high standards and continuously improving to achieve the best outcomes.

Regular attendance is compulsory for all classes and academic activities. Excessive absenteeism without valid reasons may result in penalties.

Students are expected to be punctual for classes, exams, and other scheduled events. Late arrivals disrupt the learning process and may lead to disciplinary action.

Respectful Conduct:
It is imperative for all students to treat their fellow students, faculty, staff, and visitors with respect and courtesy. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or disrespectful behavior is strictly prohibited.

Proper Use of College Facilities:
It is the responsibility of students to ensure the appropriate use and maintenance of college facilities, equipment, and resources. Any acts of vandalism, theft, or misuse of college property will not be accepted.

Compliance with College Policies:
Students are expected to follow all rules and regulations set by the college, whether outlined in the student handbook or communicated by college officials. Lack of awareness of the policies will not excuse non-compliance.

Prohibition of Substance Abuse:
The college strictly prohibits the use, possession, or distribution of alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substances on its premises.

Dress Code:
Students are required to dress modestly and suitably for the academic setting, adhering to any dress code guidelines established by the college.

Respect for Community:
Students should be considerate of the local community and must comply with regulations concerning noise levels, littering, and other disturbances.

Compliance with Disciplinary Procedures:
In case of disciplinary matters, students must cooperate with college authorities and engage in any disciplinary procedures or investigations as necessary.

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