Birpara College

Book & Chapters

Book & Chapters

Sl. No.Name of the TeacherTitle of the Book/Chapters PublishedTitle of the PaperCalendar Year of PublicationDocuments
1Dr Jyotirmay Royমহামারি ইরিহাস ও উরিণ (Mahamari Itihas O Uttaran(2nd part))করোনা মহামারী উত্তরণের দিশা: বাংলার লোকসংস্কৃতি (Corona Mahamari Uttaraner Disha: Bangelar Lokosanaskriti)2020View Document
2Dr Jyotirmay Royবাংলার মুখ (Banglar Mukh)লৌকিকদেবী বসনবুড়ি: অস্তিত্বের সংকট (Loikikdebi Basanburi: Ostityer Sayankot)2020View Document
3Dr. Dil Kumar Pradhanलोकविश्वास (Lokvishwash)-2020View Document
4SK Kamruzzaman“Women and Society”; edited by Bhowmic, A., Rashmi, Nagla, B.K.The Status and Struggle of Muslim Women in India2020View Document
5SK Kamruzzaman“Religion And Society in India” edited by Rahaman, Dr. Hasibul.Religious Fundamentalism in Terms of Practices: Present and Past Scenario2020View Document
6Dr. Arnab ChakrabortyNirbachit GolpokothaChua Chandan O Nimai Pandit2021View Document
7Dr. Nikhilesh BhattacharyaSports Studies in India: Expanding the FieldA City and a Sport: Hockey in Calcutta2021View Document
8Dr.Dil Kumar Pradhanनेपाली र बङ्गला आञ्चिलक उपन्यास (Nepali Ra Bangla Aanchalik Upnyas)-2021View Document
9Dr Joyshree Biswasপ্রবন্ধ চর্চা: প্রসঙ্গ কথা সাহিত্য (Prabandha charcha: Prosongyo Katha Sathitya) প্রফুল্ল রায়ের ছোটগল্পে সাম্প্রদায়িক দাঙ্গার প্রভাব (Prafulla Roy er Chotogolpe Saprodyaik Dangar Provab)2021View Document
10Dr Joyshree Biswasপ্র্রবন্ধ পরিক্রমা (Probondho Parikrama)রাভা জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্ম-মৃত্যু-বিবাহ সম্পর্কিত লোকাচার (Rava Janogostir JanmoMritu-Bibah Samporkito Rava Janogostir Lokachar)2021View Document
11Paramita GhoshIndian Constitutional Values and Political EthosAn Analysis of Social Justice and Equity in the Indian Constitution2022View Document
12Paramita GhoshResearch in India: Present and FutureA Brief Overview of the Environmental Movement in India2022View Document
13Ranjit Royস্বাধীনতার ৭৫- ফিরেদেখা :প্রসঙ্গ উত্তরবঙ্গ (Swadhinatar 75-Fhire Dekha: Prosongo Uttarbanga)স্বাধীনতার ৭৫বছর উত্তরবঙ্গের রাজবংশী ভাষা ও সাহিত্য (Swadhinatar 75 Bachar Uttarbanger Rajbanshi Bhasha O Sahitya)2022View Document
14Bratati SarenGlobalization and development in IndiaAn Overview of Globalization on Women's Education in India2022View Document
15Pranoy DeyInnovative Approaches in Higher EducationProblems and Strategies Associated with Craft Skills of Handicrafts Artisans during Globalization Times: An Analysis from Indian Perspective2022View Document
16Pranoy DeyGlobalization and Development in IndiaThe Impact of Globalization on Women in Developing Countries2022View Document
17Pranoy DeyTribal Development in IndiaAn Overview of Tribal Development in India through Five Year Plans2022View Document
18Pranoy DeyEnvironmental Pollution and It’s RemediationOzone Layer Depletion: Its Causes and Consequences2022View Document
19Dr Jyotirmay Royরামমোহনের বহুমাত্রিকতা (Rammohan'er Bahumatrikata)রাজা রামমোহন রায়ের ব্রহ্ম সংগীত (Raja Rammohan Roy er Brhmasangeet)2022View Document
20SK Kamruzzaman“Socio-economic Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic in India: Growing Challenges and Potential Solutions”; edited by Naha, S. and Choudhury, M. R.Influence of Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath’s Philosophy of Village Industry: Understanding Cottage Industry in Covid Pandemics2022View Document
21SK Kamruzzaman“Globalization and Development in India” edited by Datta, K. and Mishra, S.“Issues of India’s Displacement, Rehabilitation and Resettlement in Global era”2022View Document
22SK Kamruzzaman“Current and Future Perspective of Environmental Pollution and its Remediation” edited by Kumar, Dr. Azad, Singh, V.K and Sharma, Dr. A.“Recent Trends in Solid Waste Management and Its Recycling in India”2022View Document
23SK KamruzzamanBasundhara Editors, Islam, Md. N. and Das, S“Issues and Challenges of Communal Unity in India and Bangladesh”2022View Document
24Paramita GhoshGender Discrimination in India Themes and PerspectivesStill Behind Bars - A Study on The Status of Women in India2023View Document
25Paramita GhoshSociety, Economy and Development Challenges and OpportunitiesLiterature as an Instrument for the Development of Society2023View Document
26Paramita GhoshFostering Peace and Value EducationRole of Teacher in Promoting Peace Education2023View Document
27Ranjit RoySociety, Economy & Development Challenges and OpportunitiesThe Socio-Economic Transformation of the Munda People in the Northern Part of Bengal of the Post-Colonial Period: A Historical Analysis2023View Document
28Bratati SarenSociety, Economy & Development: Challenges and opportunitiesA Brief Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Increasing Economic Inequality2023View Document
29Mayna MahatoSociety, Economy & Development: Challenges and opportunitiesGeographical Distribution and Deposition of Minerals Resources and Reasons of Restrict Development of Mineral Based industries in Purulia of West Bengal and its Impacts2023View Document
30Mayna MahatoGreen Technology For the Sustainable DevelopmentImpact of Covid-19 on Air Quality in the Industrial Town of Asansole, West Bengal, India2023View Document
31Pranoy DeySociety, Economy & Development: Challenges and OpportunitiesImpact of Social Media Use on the Students’ Education: A Qualitative Study2023View Document
32Pranoy DeyEnvironmental Laws and Legislation in IndiaSocio and Economic Impacts of Environmental Pollution2023View Document
33Pranoy DeyNorth Bengal: Geographical and Historical PerspectivesSocio-Cultural Characteristics of Rabha People of North Bengal with Special Reference to Fishery2023View Document
34Pranoy DeyEconomy and Environment: Current Issues and ConcernsIndirect Impact of Covid-19 on Environment in Indian Context2023View Document
35Pranoy DeyCross Disciplinary ResearchProblems & Prospects of Tourism in North Bengal: An Integrated Planning towards Sustainable Development2023View Document
36Pranoy DeyRecent Advancement in Chemical Science for the Protection of NatureAcid Rain: Its Causes and Consequences2023View Document
37Pranoy DeyPost Covid Research ApproachesPositive and Negative Impact of Covid-19 on Education: An Analysis from Indian Context2023View Document
38Dr Jyotirmay Roy & Mr. Pranoy DeyPost Covid Research ApproachesImpact of Covid -19 on Society and Environment: An Analysis from World Context2023View Document
39Mr. Pranoy Dey & Dr. Jyotirmay RoyThe Eco-Blueprint: Crafting a Sustainable FutureDirect and Indirect Causes of Deforestation2023View Document
40Pranoy DeyGreening the Future: A Roadmap to Environmental SustainabilityClimate Change and its Impact on Agriculture in India2023View Document
41Dr Jyotirmay Roy & Mr. Pranoy DeyGreening the Future: A Roadmap to Environmental SustainabilityVarious Initiatives and Steps for Achieving Green Campus in Educational Institutions in India2023View Document
42Pranoy DeyBridging Boundaries: Exploring Interdisciplinary ResearchUnderstanding the Impact of E Waste Generation and Effective Mitigation Strategies2023View Document
43Pranoy DeyFarsighted Fusion: Fostering Collaboration across DisciplinesAn Analytical Perspectives on Depletion of Natural Resources in India2023View Document
44Dr Jyotirmay Roy & Mr. Pranoy DeyPost Covid Research ApproachesImpact of Covid -19 on Society and Environment: An Analysis from World Context2023View Document
45Mr. Pranoy Dey & Dr. Jyotirmay RoyThe Eco-Blueprint: Crafting a Sustainable FutureDirect and Indirect Causes of Deforestation2023View Document
46Dr Jyotirmay Roy & Mr. Pranoy DeyGreening the Future: A Roadmap to Environmental SustainabilityVarious Initiatives and Steps for Achieving Green Campus in Educational Institutions in India2023View Document
47Dr Jyotirmay RoySociety, Economy & Development Challenges and OpportunitiesThe Effect of Online Teaching on Student Learning Outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in India2023View Document
48Dr Jyotirmay RoyNorth Bengal Geographical and Historical PerspectivesSocio-Economic Status of Toto Tribe of Alipurduar District, West Bengal2023View Document
49SK Kamruzzaman“Society, Economy and Development: Challenges and Opportunities” edited by Basak, Dr. A., Kamruzzaman, SK and Dey, P.“Relevance of National Education Policy 2020 in Digital Education”2023View Document
50SK KamruzzamanGreening the Future: A Roadmap to Environmental Sustainability edited by Dey, P., Roy, Dr. J. and Dey, P.“Consequences of Environmental Hazards on Society and Civilization and Efforts for Sustainable Development”2023View Document
51SK KamruzzamanThe Eco-Blueprint: Crafting a Sustainable Future edited by Dey, Pranoy and Dey, Papiya.“A Narrative Analysis of Man Vs. Wild Conflict at Sundarban”2023View Document
52SK Kamruzzaman“Breaking Barriers: Exploring Gender Dynamics in Education” edited by Dey, Dr. S. M., Choudhury, Dr. S. and Others“Muslim Women’s Reproductive Rights, Choice and Challenges in India”2023View Document
53Mamoni Barman“Breaking Barriers: Exploring Gender Dynamics in Education” edited by Dey, Dr. S. M., Choudhury, Dr. S. and Others“Gender Based Violence with Contemporary Issues”2023View Document
54Dipankar BhaumikSustainable Roadmap Development Strategies in India: Paving the way for a Better FutureEconomic Sustainability of Stock Markets Post- Arab Spring Crunch: The Case Selected GCC countries2023View Document
55Dr Jyotirmay Royবাংলা শিশু ও কিশোর সাহিত্য (Bangla Sishu O Kishor Sahityo)রবীন্দ্রনাথের 'আতিথি' গল্পের কিশোর চরিত্র তারাপদর মানসপ্রকৃতি (Rabindranather 'Otithi' Galper Kishor Charitra Tarapadar Manashprokriti)2024View Document
56Dr Jyotirmay RoyEnvironmental Resilience Adapting to a Changing WorldThe Role of Folklore in Environmental Sustainability2024View Document
57Pranoy DeyTrailblazing Quest: Advancement in Interdisciplinary ResearchApplication of Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Effective Urban Planning and Management2024View Document
58Pranoy DeyNew Education Policy 2020National Education Policy - 2020 & its Impact on Higher Education in India2024View Document
59Pranoy DeySocietal Synthesis: A Holistic Approach to ResearchThe Utilization of Geospatial Technology in Urban Geomorphological Research2024View Document
60Pranoy DeyPublic Health and Diseases: A Geographical Study of Women’s Health, Urban Mortality and Health PoliciesSocial Exclusion and Relationship Patterns of Overweight Adolescents in North Bengal: A Sociocentric Perspective Through Social Network Analysis2024View Document
61Pranoy DeyInterdisciplinary Illumination: Unveiling Uncharted Research PathsThe Socio-Economic Benefits of Urban Green Spaces: A Systematic Review2024View Document
62Pranoy DeyEnvironmental Resilience: Adapting to a Changing WorldAn Analytical Perspective on Depletion of Natural Resources in India2024View Document
63SK KamruzzamanEnvironmental Resilience: Adapting to a Changing WorldA Critical Analysis of Uttar Banga SAmbad News on Man vs. Wildlife conflict at Birpara Madarihat Block2024View Document
64SK KamruzzamanMigration Truths, Travesties and TalesMigration and Food Security: A General Review2024View Document
65Pranoy DeyGeospatial Technology for Natural Resource ManagementHuman Resource Influences and Satisfaction Among Consumers in North Bengal, India2024View Document
66Pranoy DeyTransforming Agricultural Management for a Sustainable Future: Climate Change and Machine Learning PerspectivesClimate Change Impact on Crop Production: Insights from Smallholder Farmers in Flood-prone Areas of North Bengal, India2024View Document
67Dr. Kaustav ChakrabartiBeyond NEP 2020: Listening to WhispersThe NEP as the Roadmap for NAAC: A Brief Study2024View Document
68Dr. Kaustav ChakrabartiExploring the Geographical Trends in Asymmetric Warfare in Historical Perspective2024View Document
69Dr. Kaustav ChakrabartiEnvironmental Resilience: Adapting to a Changing WorldColonial Modernity and its Impact on the Indian Environment2024View Document
70Dipankar BhaumikFinance and Human Resource ManagementRandom Walk Hypothesis and Distribution of Stock Price Changes: Anomalies, Empirical Puzzle, Experiments and Theoretical Explanation2024View Document
71Paramita GhoshChallenges of Online Education during the Crisis of COVID-19Impact of COVID-19 on Education System in India2021View Document
72Dr. Jayshree BiswasBangla Kathasahitya: Bahuswarik Path edited by Dr. Debabrata Gayenপ্রফুল্ল রায়ের ছোটগল্পে দাম্পত্য সম্পর্কে নারীর সামাজিক অবস্থান2024View Document
73Dr. Jayshree BiswasBANGLA CHOTOGALPA: BISAY O NIRMAN (A Research Study on Bengali Short Stories edited by Mahadeb Mandal and Gobinidra Barman)প্রফুল্ল রায়ের ছোটগল্পে দেশভাগের প্রেক্ষাপটে মানুষের দুঃসহ অবস্থা2021View Document
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